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We are looking for more Pro-DJs to fully test this and
we will give you a full license during your test phase (up to 100 more people to
Free version of the software limits use to between 50 and 90 minutes and 5000 songs maximum
Registered/Paid version unlocks to unlimited time and about 250,000 songs in the database. (larger database options are available)
Importing of MP3 (wav and other file formats shortly) into a searchable database
Supports more than one sound card (one for main output and one for headphones/cueing)
Ability to add them to the "on air" playlist easily
Automatic mixing between songs (optional) or press F5 key to mix on demand
Automatic volume leveling (optional)
More photos of ProDJLive DJ mixing software (scroll down this page)
VERY EASY TO USE. Start the program, go to database, go to import songs, point to your MP3s.
Under testing it took 4 hours to import 80,000 MP3 files into the database
Searching for a song took less than 1.5 seconds out of 80,000 songs on a fairly new computer running XP Pro
80,000 songs takes up about 80 MB of data (about the size of 20 MP3 songs) space on your drive.
ProDJLive DJ mixing software currently is for mixing MP3 files but we are working on more formats depending on what people ask for.
Great for mixing at weddings and parties without beat mixing as it does not have auto-beat mixing functions at this time.
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Hit the ESC key to go directly to the database search
and hit the ESC key to toggle back to the on-air list
Copyright 2008-2009 Brian G Harrell
ProDJLive� www.prodjlive.com and
Distributed and sold by