Free Version Download Request Form
© 2008
Please enter some information so we can keep track of advertising
and follow up after you download the demo to make sure it meets your needs.
Developed for Windows XP and Vista

This information is for our internal use only and will NOT be released to ANYBODY ELSE without your permission.  
We respect your private email address!

NOTE: To run on VISTA you need to download the software and right-click RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR
Vista users, after you install the software right-click and run as administrator each time you need to run it.

You will receive your download information via email within 2-5 minutes.  Problems? contact us at 1-866-688-9600 (Minnesota, USA)

Customer support for trial members is limited to email support only.

First Name                  
Last Name                  
mailing address           (optional)
city                               (optional)
state/province             (optional)
zip or postal code        (optional)

Email Address           
(required or you can't download the demo)
Your email does not go outside this company. We respect your private email address.
(Your REAL email address is required so that we can show you the link to download the software)
Please do not put a false email address in the box above as you will not be able to download the software.
We also use your email to follow up and see if you liked the software.  

If you have trouble downloading call us
Toll free USA 1-866-688-9600 or 1-651-688-9600 9-9 Central Time

Telephone # (please include area code)
(if non-USA please put country code in also.)

Where did you find out about us? (click on one to highlight it)
or OTHER source (write in here)

If you were surfing the net what KEYWORDS did you use?

What operating system do you have?  (click one)

General Information (optional)
Write in the box below what you would be using the software for
(examples are DJ business/ Radio Station or Private Music Collection/Library)

Enter code
23479 in the box below (helps to prevent fraudulent automated submissions of this form ie:spammers)

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the above information.
We are very interested in your ideas to make it the best product.

NOTE: To run on VISTA you need to INSTALL the software and RUN the software as administrator (for now)


Form not working?
Call 1-651-317-8056 leave a msg on our priority support line

ProDJLive Software Home Page

A Custom Computer Solution
 PO Box 21145 Eagan MN 55121
1-(651) 688-9600 Minnesota USA
Last updated November 17, 2008 01:48:18 PM -0600
